Sunday, May 27, 2012

coming back to sense..

Dah lame x jenguk blog sendiri.. rindu plak rsenye
bnyk btol kejadian yg berlaku dlm diri nie,
tak sorg pun paham akan keadaan ku.. 
tp walaupun begitu.. aku tetap yakin dgn kesetiaan dan kebaikan Allah untuk sentiasa bersamaku..

sekarang dah 22thn ingatkan semakain lama hidup semakin baek.. tetapi itu sume ibarat ombak yg sentiasa naik dan turun.. semua perkara pun begitu..
sebelum bercakap tentang org lain.. atau pun xpayah sibuk pasal org lain..
sbb terpulanglah mcmne diorg nk hidup
baek aku reflect diriku sendiri.. mampukah aku berdepan dgn Allah setiap hari.? 
sudah cukup kah ibadah yg ku menabung.??
akan dosa2x yang telah aku lakukan.. 
walaupun telah bnyk kesalahan yg telah aku lakukan ttp xbermakna aku x boleh berubah..
setiap anak adam ada kelebihan dan kekurangan nya
itu aku sedar, itu semua org tahu, itu satu dunia setuju..

tetapi "i may have done something terrible, but that doesn't make me a terrible person" 
there must be A reason for something to happen right?
tak sepatutnye org lain menilaiku dgn mendengar cerita drpd org lain..
kalau ada yg tak kena, tak puas hati, ada amasalah, dan rasa saye nie salah..
terus sahaja berjumpa pada asaya.. terus sahaja bertanya kepada saya..
klu nk mempercayai kata2x kata org lain tentang diri saya.. atau pun tentang apa yg telah saya buat..
cuba dengar tentang perkara yg sama daripada mulut saya sendiri..
heiii.. "coins have more than 2 faces la" ...
islam pun akan mendengar penjelasan daripada kedua2x belah pihak..

jika nak buat sesuatu keputusan.. bukannya dgn cara membuta tuli..
iainya dengan cara soal selidik terlebih dahulu..
mencari kata persetujuan yang satu untuk mencari kebenaran dihujung perbahasan.. 
bukannya dengan cara sebaliknye..

Monday, December 13, 2010


hurm...  letihnye bdnn,, tp yg peliknye asyik2x bile nk study
paling banyk lecture bley abis pn.. 1 lecture.. walaupn abiskn satu mlm.. huuu

kepale serabut.. bkn sbba pe pn..
1st slalu pikir lecture ade yg bersuusun,, then , organisasi futsal.. dlm mase same nk kne hntr analysis kt kilang(AKU KNE BUAT SORANG?? )  nk mintk kwn tlg buat rangke spss .. tp sume busy,, huu
xde orgg nk tlg aku.. letih-letih..

sejak gerai klinikal kt kilang tu.. aku jd malas dah.. slalu letih..
ibadah pn menurun.. iman pn xkuat.. apehal la aku nie.??
nasib baek ade usrah.. dpt jgk boostt up iman ku..

ya ALLAH , ampunillah segala dosa-dosa ku.. permudahkan lah urusan ku didunia dan di akhirat..
dan bukakn lah hatiku .. dan kembalikan lah aku di jalan yg kau redhai..

mulai hari ini .. aku nk berdiri dibumi yg nyata.. aku nk kembali berjuang menimba ilmu ..
siapkn abis study.. revise.. n call my mom lagi heheh

p/s tasha .. have a nice holiday at indone.. hehek

Thursday, December 9, 2010

i'm back.... !!

hehe.. urm what should i buy for a 
WEDDING present..??

lynn oo lynn.. aku kasi 
mangguk bley x kt kakak hang../?

apeape pn kne beli jugak besok.. hee

Saturday, September 4, 2010


dah lame aku menghilang.. dr blogku inie..
hrm. sumenye strt dr cuti mid sem yg lepas..
 6-7 ogos 2010.. 

kami sekeluarga buat familyday kt hot srping sungkai..
hari pertama , mmg sngt

Friday, August 6, 2010

i need to practise..!!

i need to practice to say BISMILLAH when ever i need to do somthing..

i need to practice to say ALAHAMDULILLAH when ever i've finish doing somthg...

i need to practice to reflect back all the COMPLIMENT that people say it to me, back to ALLAH..

and i need to IMPROVE MYSELF whenever people say somthing WRONG about Me..

because all the GOOD THING is came from ALLAH..

and all the "BAD THING" came from my OWN MISTAKE..

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Balance between islamic Syari'ah and Syiar..

to day, after magrib, we had an intresting Usrah
 people who attend are..
abg saifulnizam(5th yr)
azlan (3rd yr)
wan Z
nirul n

hurm.. actually its been a long time we didn't gathers like this.. 
i think about 4 months... eheh
but our discussion was very interesting..

abg saifulnizam said.. about syari'ah n syiar.. 
some people just concern about syariah.. but neglected syiar..
but what is it syariah n syiar?

hurm i also not so sure how to explain it.. but
as far as i knew, syariah.. is the guide line for rules in islam..
or rules in islam..

syiar is more toward presentation or sign that represent how Islam is
hurm... at first i not really understand what abg saiful is talking about..??
then, he said.. "for example, like people who have knowledge but shy to practice it."

he  said.. "some of us..are shy to wear "Qopiah" to go to the mosque or when to go out side..
and rather wearing some modern style instead..
even to wearing "baju melayu" we are shy..
isn't that we suppost to be So.. proud to practice the Islamic way of dressing or life..
because Islam is the religions that Allah accept 
to be practising among human being.."

from what i remamber from my 2ndary school,, it is gud for u to 
practising urself in Islamic way of dressing.. 
because it make u nearer to do the gud things..
as long as u trying to understand the purpose of doing it..

like my ustazah said " bile seseorg itu cube utk berpakaian atau mengamalkn 
sunnah rasullullah.. itu adalah sngat baek.. dgn jgn pula kite pandang serong 
kepada mereka, sebaliknye beriakn sokongan dan dorangan kpd mereke..
kerane bile kite bersangka buruk kpd org itu.. kelak kita pula yg mendapat dosa!"

hurm.. after that Qazrin pulak memberikan pendapat dan idea nyee..

he said.. "to practising Islam in life 4 example we can see in an organisation..
the leader himself must show and follow the guideline in Islam.. 
if the leader is in the correct pathway in  managing his organisation..
insya'allah.. the rest will follow.. 

but it doesn't mean the people inside the organisation have to listent 100% to the leader..
if the leader do somthing wrong.. for example finishing their organisation work until nearly magrib..
an individual should voice up a voice to remind the leader..
but the problem today.. when a person trying to advicing..
that person will be seen as a weird person..such as, it is not an appropriate thing to be ask.."

then nirul said " the election of a leader must be ideal.. the appropriate person should be given the apportunity to be voted..and the elector plays an important role in choosing a new  leader and if the selected leader are wrong and everything will be wrong!."

at the end.. abg saiful said.. "the most important thing today is that we.. got something to share n practising..
no need to go far.. but just start with ourself first..
be a leader to ourself.. n try to improve ourself in an appropriae way..

P/S: fuuhh.. alhamdulillah i got this chance to be involve in such usrah,..
there's many more content inside this usrah actually.. 
but.. the thing that makes me realize is that,, how far have i did to improve myself.. 
in strengthen my "IMAN" ?? how far have i did to help my religions..??
and how far n how deep my knowledge in fardhu ain..??

huuuuu.. sobsob.. there's many more thing that i didn't know..
n more thing that i need to practise.. 

after joining this usrah.. i feel much more energetic bcoz i already knew the reason.. why we need to do such things.. n i need someone to guide me.. 
but not to be a hypocrit.. bcoz it is quite hard 4me to practising it my daily life.. but i'll do my best 
in improving myself..!!
together with prying to allah.. to give me a light n guidence.. 
in going through this adventurous life..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wisdom oF the Day...!!

"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured." (Bukhari)